News & Recent Events Murray McAllister News & Recent Events Murray McAllister

COVID-19 and Chronic Pain: Challenges and Opportunities

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the world with deaths in the hundreds of thousands and countless more having become ill. To reduce the risk of contagion and death, areas around the world maintain self-quarantining practices and have been doing so now for multiple months.

Sheltering-in-place, or self- quarantining, presents both challenges and opportunities for everyone, including those with persistent, or chronic, pain.

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News & Recent Events Murray McAllister News & Recent Events Murray McAllister

ISPI Conference Next Month

This year's educational conference by the International Spine & Pain Institute focuses on the nature of pain and evidence-based treatments for pain, including chronic pain. The target audience for the conference is physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. I have no doubt, however, it would be beneficial for most any clinician working in the field of chronic pain management. It will be held in Minneapolis, MN, USA, from June 20-22, 2014.

Author: Murray J. McAllister, PsyD

Date of Last Modification: 5-23-2014

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News & Recent Events Murray McAllister News & Recent Events Murray McAllister

HONcode Certification

We are pleased to announce that the Institute for Chronic Pain website and blog has obtained Health On the Net Foundation (HONcode) certification. HONcode certification indicates that the reporting of health-related information on our sites complies with the Ethical Code of Conduct of the Health On the Net Foundation. You can find their seal at the footer of our website pages and the sidebar of our blog.

The Health on the Net Foundation is a non-governmental organization that provides certification to health information websites. They are the “oldest and most used ethical and trustworthy code for medical and health related information on the internet.”

Author: Murray J. McAllister, PsyD

Date of last modification: 4-24-2014

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News & Recent Events Murray McAllister News & Recent Events Murray McAllister

The ICP Adds Google + and Pinterest Sites

The Institute for Chronic Pain has added new social media sites. You can now follow us on:

Check out our new sites! On all our social media sites, we add content  frequently on news, blogs, and sites that are related to chronic pain.

As always, you can still follow us on Facebook and Linkedin!

Thanks for supporting the ICP.

Author: Murray J. McAllister, PsyD

Date of last modification: 1-26-2014

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News & Recent Events Murray McAllister News & Recent Events Murray McAllister

Institute for Chronic Pain - One Year Anniversary

The Institute for Chronic Pain celebrates this month its one-year anniversary of going live with our website and blog.  The Institute for Chronic Pain is an educational and public policy 'think tank' devoted to changing the culture of how chronic pain is managed. We imagine a day when the management of chronic pain is guided by the principles of empirical-based healthcare (i.e., pursuing only those treatments that research has shown to be effective). Our public face is our website and blog, where we provide academic-quality information that is accessible to patients, their families, as well as providers and third-party payers.

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News & Recent Events Murray McAllister News & Recent Events Murray McAllister

Thoughts & Prayers

The Institute for Chronic Pain is saddened by the recent outbreak of fungal meningitis from tainted steroid used in interventional pain management procedures.  As of this writing, over 400 cases have been reported and 29 deaths. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who are ill and to the families of those who have lost their lives.

Date of last modification: 11/4/2012

Author: Murray J. McAllister, PsyD

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